Sunday, November 30, 2014

DIY: Makeup Holder


Get ready for a quick, cute, cheap 30 minute DIY project...
Step 1: find an old dip/salsa container or mason jar

Step 2: Wash out the jar, and soak in soap in water. After about a half hour you should be able to easily pull off the label

Step 3: Using twine and a glue gun, glue and wrap twine around the lip of the jar

Step 4: Use tape to wrap jar (I went around 3 times). I used Little B: Gold Foil Moroccan Window; found here; for sale at A.C Moore.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

DIY: Custom Cross Stitch Pillow

1/2 yard of Burlap
Cross stitch ring
embroidery floss
1 20"x 20" pillow form (purchased here)
Step 1: Cross Stitch eagles onto burlap
Step 2: Sew along the edges of the fabric (to prevent fraying)

Step 3: Sew pillow using this tutorial



Thursday, November 13, 2014

DIY Sew: Beach Bag

In preparation for my mini vacation this weekend for my fiancé's birthday I decided to make myself a beach bag.  I had some burlap laying around and figured it would be an easy enough project.

Step 1: Cut 1 piece of burlap 19" by 34" and a second piece 3" by 50"
Step 2: Fold the edges of the 19" by 34" piece in twice on both ends, pin and sew
Fold the 50" by 3" piece in half, pin and sew, your piece should measure 1 1/2" by 50"

Step 3: Cut the 50" by 1 1/2" piece in half; you should now have 2x 25" by 1 1/2 inch pieces

Step 4: Pin and sew the Straps onto your bag (straps 7 inches apart)

Step 5: With straps touching (wrong side up) sew up the right and left sides of the bag
Step 6: measure 2 1/2 inches up from each corner (2) pin and sew
Step 6: Turn right side out. Use a stencil and paint on the first letter of your last name (in my case, my future last name)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

DIY Sew: Canvas Tote

A few weeks ago, I made this tote bag. I was so happy how it turned out I wanted to make another, this time in canvas.
I purchased 1 yard of 9.3 oz black canvas fabric from the website
For the lining, I used some flower fabric from my stash
Follow this tutorial, the only exception is to install the pocket to the lining fabric and not the canvas.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

DIY: Yarn Rug

I've been seeing tutorials for yarn rugs for awhile and after realizing I was running out of storage space for yarn in my apartment I figured it was time I tried the project out for myself.
12 Skeins of yarn
1 Non-Skid Rug Pad 2 ft W x 3 ft L
Cardboard from toilet paper roll
Step 1: wrap yarn roughly 30 times around the card board from a toilet paper roll
Step 2: Pull yarn off the cardboard roll and cut a long piece of yarn to tie around the center of the yarn ball
Step 3: Cut both ends of the yarn
Step 4: Run fingers through yarn
Step 5: Make about 100 more pom poms
Step 6: Tie pom poms onto rug pad


Sunday, October 12, 2014

DIY: Leather Bracelet

Hi Guys! Today I have an easy 5 minute DIY project for you.
All you need are a few simple materials:
revolving punch
9'' of leather trimming
1 round screw back stud
Step 1: Use the stencil and trace in your desired text, in this case eagles
Step 2: Use the revolving punch and punch a hole at the bottom and the top of the leather strap
Step 3: Screw the stud into the hole on the bottom of the strap

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DIY Sew: Cloth Bag with Leather Straps

1 yard of fabric (Ralph Lauren home fabric purchased at Mood)
2 yards leather trimming (purchased from leather impact)
Revolving Punch
Sewing machine
Step 1: Cut the following pattern pieces:
2x 34" by 16"
1x 7" by 9"
Step 2: Fold fabric in half with right sides of the fabric touching (piece should measure 17" by 16"), pin sides and sew (do this to both pieces)
Step 3: Create depth to your bag by making corners. Measure 2 1/2 inches from the end on every corner (4 in total), mark, pin, sew, cut off excess
Step 4: Turn one of the fabric pieces right side out, attach pocket by folding in edges, pin around all three sides and sew.
Step 5: With one pattern piece right side out and the second (lining) piece inside out place the lining over the right side out piece
Step 6: Pin and sew around the top leaving a 5'' opening
Step 7: Pull fabric right side out through the 5'' opening
Step 8: sew up the 5'' opening
Step 9: Stuff the lining into the bag
Step 10: cut 2 leather straps 31 1/2'' long; next use the revolving punch to punch two holes in the bottom and top of each strap
Step 11: mark where you want the straps to attach to the bag by marking through the holes on the strap, punch holes using the revolving punch
Step 12: Screw a stud in all holes (8 holes)
Step 13: Push studs through the holes in the leather straps, done!