Sunday, January 27, 2013

DIY Sew: Butterfly Top

I'd say one of my favorite places to find inspiration is; everything is extremely cute, but also very far out of my price range. Recently I came across this trendy tie dye poncho by Quotation (retails for $85), I just knew I had to attempt a version for myself.

Here's what you'll need:
2 yards of knit fabric (I picked gray)
White thread
Sewing machine
tape measure

Step 1: wash and dry your fabric, make sure to use delicate settings
Step 2: lay out fabric and fold in half with right side up




  1. How do you finish your neck opening?

    1. Hi, thanks for your inquiry! I actually didn't finish the neck opening at all, because knit fabric doesn't fray. If you want to finish it off, you can just fold in the neck fabric 3/4'' and sew around the neck using a straight stitch. good luck!
