Monday, October 24, 2011

Simple Crochet Ear Warmer

Above is my first attempt at a winter ear warmer. I think it turned out pretty well considering I made my own pattern.

Below is a much prettier version, created by threemagicsheep on, this served as my inspiration. I'm not really a flower on the hat type of girl, plus I don't know how to make flowers just yet, so I kept my version simple. I do however love this version and will attempt the flower in the future & perhaps give as a gift.

Here's how I created mine:

Caron Simply Soft Yarn in Grey Heather
H Crochet Hook
Darning Needle

To Start: Create a slipknot
Chain 18
Row 1: In the 5th chain from the hook triple crochet. Continue to triple crochet in the rest of the row until you've reached the end

Row 2: chain 5, turn, triple crochet in the first triple crochet, continue throughout the row.
Row 3 through 22: Continue repeating Row 2
Note: Depending on the size of your head you may want to create more or less rows. Also, most yarn can be very stretchy, so keep this in mind.

Now that you've reached your desired length, cut 2 feet extra of your yarn, and tie off
Now line both ends of the headband up

Thread the darning needle, and begin to weave both ends of the headband together

snip off the excess yarn
Flip the headband inside out



  1. Where can I find the pattern for the flower?

  2. Hi Helena-
    The picture of the flower was my inspiration, unfortunately I don't have the pattern.

  3. Hi! I am a beginner in crochet and not yet familiar with all stitches, i also get confused between american and british stitches. Could you tell me which ones you are using?

    1. Hi Fred! I'm using the chain stitch and triple crochet (or treble in british). Here's a link to a youtube tutorial which should help

  4. I love your smile in the make me smile too...thanks for the pattern. Great blog!

  5. I love how simple yet stylish this ear warmer is.
