
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY Sew: Removing a Pocket from a Shirt

My boyfriend recently did some spring cleaning, and he had a pile of old work shirts he was planning on giving away; but, as I had seen a million and one tutorials online on how to transform a man's work shirt into a cute woman's top I immediately stopped him and snatched the shirt up for myself.

When thinking about how to refashion one of the work shirts, I came across the issue of the pocket.  I've been seeing many great tutorials, but most include the original pocket, and when resizing, the pocket makes the refashioned shirt look very homemade, and in most cases awkward; it's either on the back of the shirt or awkwardly halfway under your armpit.  To fix this little conundrum I realized that I would have to figure out exactly how to remove the pocket from the shirt.
So, here goes...

you will need:
seam ripper
Shirt with pocket

Step 1: Use the seam ripper to gently pull out the thread surrounding the pocket, take one stitch at a time

Step 2: wipe away any excess thread still on the shirt
Tip: If tiny holes are visible wash the shirt a few times, and then it should be good as new!
Now, you're ready to resize and refashion to your hearts content, no awkward pocket!

1 comment:

  1. Order your favourite shirt from, the fasion shopping you need!
