
Friday, February 22, 2013

Pinterest Challenge Week 1: Petal Tank

I am so pumped I actually completed my first week of the Pinterest Challenge.  Ages ago I saw a bunch of petal tank pins on pinterest and knew I wanted to try to make one of my own.  I ambitiously ran to the nearest discount store (rainbow or conway, can't remember which) and picked up two tanks.  I'm embarrassed to admit, but the shirts sat in my drawer until the Pinterest Challenge was issued on Tuesday. It was just the motivation I needed to finally get some projects done that I've been putting off.

My petal tank was inspired by Leanne from Elle Apparel and her Embellished Tanks Tutorial

You can follow along on Leanne's blog, but basically all I did was purchase two inexpensive tanks, cut off the bottom of one into 19 2 1/2'' squares.  From there I folded each square twice, then used scissors to cut out petal shapes
Next I pinned each petal facing down onto my second tank

The last step was to hand sew each petal onto the shirt (only sew the top of each petal)

And, that's it! A very simple way to spice up a boring tank!
Sisters Share It All: Pinterest Challenge


  1. I love the finished product! Your blog is super cute, we followed you on GFC. I can't wait to see what else you make for the Pinterest Challenge!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to seeing your finished pinterest challenge products as well!

  2. OOO I do like the tank top. I think I might try this one!! Nice work

  3. it turned out great! i have one of my challenges done too...just need to post it on the blog. ;)
